We are pledged to dispatch a genuine product as showcased on our portal. Product’s quality and overall condition is checked by our concerned team before dispatching every order. However there can still be many reasons for you to return the goods ordered some of the typical queries in that regard are stated as follows.

What can be returned?

Product is not same. (Note: This does not apply, if specifications provided by website are accurate.) Product is defective, counterfeit or damaged or teared (during shipment).

Products in following categories cannot be returned

Custom or Made-to-order products; Imported On-order products; products on promotion/Sale.

All products that are intended to be returned must fulfill following conditions:

Product should not show any sign of usage i.e. wear marks, scratches, discoloration and visual damage of any kind.

Product to be returned should be in original packing provided at time of delivery and no seals have been broken (incase you received damaged goods) it must remain sealed and unopened unless it is returned for being defective.

Products should include all the accessories, user manuals & promotion items if there were any with the purchase

All products received for returns will be checked for above mentioned return conditions.

if a product is returned to us in an inadequate condition, we reserve the right to send it back to you without any refund.

Customer will be responsible to send return parcel to nearest courier office. Return postage will be paid by customer.

If the return order is to be replaced with another product, that will be sent by us free of cost.

For further  inquiry kindly  CONTACT US.